OCC Command Line

OCC has a variety of command line parameters, most of which aren't needed to just compile a file. It will also allow you to specify multiple input files. The current default for OCC is to generate executable files. While processing the command line, OCC may encounter a command to process command line arguments from a file.

The general format of the command line is as follows:

OCC [parameters]  list of files

The list of files can be a list of one or more C language files. C++ language files are supported as well. If you don't specify an extension on the command line it will default to .C; it will detect a .CPP extension and activate C++ mode as required.

The list of files can also include wild cards.

A special file name '-' means take input from the console.

OCC will accept response files with a list of command line options. To use a response file, prefix its name with '@':

OCC [parameters] @resp.cc

There are a variety of parameters that can be set. Help is available for the following:

Additional generic options

The /V switch shows version information, and the compile date

The /! or --nologo switch is 'nologo'